Tuesday, July 29, 2003
MEDIA STUDIES - INTERMEDIATE (I thought that guy from The New Yorker would jump on this, but apparently he's busy in Iraq, or Iran or over there in that general area.)
Close readers of The New York Times know that the real problems in the paper run much deeper than prevaricating, confabulating reporters and power mad editors. The real scandal is the fact that not a day is allowed to go by without a mention of "Two-Buck Chuck" or "Kripsy Kreme" somewhere in the paper. Many writers and copy editors have reportedly been driven to distraction by upper management's insistence that one of these two entries must appear in story after story, regardless of context.
Who promulgated this insane edict, and why? I bet there's a Pulitzer awaiting the intepid reporter who can expose the inner machinations of this once great paper and reveal what is behind this bizarre policy. Failing a true expose, I suppose a truly intrepid reporter could just make up a good story. I'm sure it could get published somewhere.
Close readers of The New York Times know that the real problems in the paper run much deeper than prevaricating, confabulating reporters and power mad editors. The real scandal is the fact that not a day is allowed to go by without a mention of "Two-Buck Chuck" or "Kripsy Kreme" somewhere in the paper. Many writers and copy editors have reportedly been driven to distraction by upper management's insistence that one of these two entries must appear in story after story, regardless of context.
Who promulgated this insane edict, and why? I bet there's a Pulitzer awaiting the intepid reporter who can expose the inner machinations of this once great paper and reveal what is behind this bizarre policy. Failing a true expose, I suppose a truly intrepid reporter could just make up a good story. I'm sure it could get published somewhere.
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