
Tuesday, August 12, 2003


Attention all online pedophiles, pederasts, perverts, and would be internet weidros. Please disengage from that AOL chat room for a second. I have news for you.

There are no 14 year old boys waiting for you at the in the park.

There are no 12 year old schoolgirls waiting for you at the mall.

Those people you have been corresponding with, messaging, chatting up: Those people are policeman, investigators, detectives. When you leave your house for your planned assignation, you will be arrested, exposed, and humiliated.

The local televisions stations and the all news radio stations will take the story and run with it. The anchors and announcers will be shocked and outraged. After your specific story and the tawdry details have been hashed and rehashed, there will be a special report on the dangers of the internet.

Consider yourselves warned.

Note: This goes double for teachers, scout masters, coaches, priests, counselors, probation officers, parole officers, and shoe salesmen.

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