
Sunday, July 18, 2004

"I started a new blog," I told LZ.
"What's this one called?" she asked.  "I'm a lunatic dot bla bla bla?"
"No, it's not," I said.  "You should know I always use made up compound words as my blog titles."   
"You're starting to remind me of the Hunt brothers," LZ said.  "And you know what happened to them."
"The who brothers?"  I asked.  "And what did happen to them?"
"What's this one about?" asked LZ.
Well, it's sort of complicated," I said.  "but as you know, I've got all these characters, or fragments of characters, running around in my head.  I haven't made a real effort to get rid of them because I thought they may come in handy some day."
"Go on," LZ said.  "This is almost fascinating, in a subclinical sort of way."
"Well," I said, "I decided I've got to make some room in my brain for other stuff, like where I put my sunglasses, and how can I make some more money without really working too much. Stuff like that.
"So, I'm going to sort of emancipate them.  I'm going to let them out of my brain, but not let them get away entirely.  I'll let them roam around their own blog, where they won't be bothering me, but I'll know where they are if I need them."
"Sounds like a minimum security prison," said LZ.
"I was thinking of it more as a farm," I said.  "But prison wouldn't be too harsh, considering how they've tortured me year after year."

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